Medicine & Illness

Here are our curricular plans for each class. This year we are currently on cycle B.

Medicines at school

Please note that medication brought into school should be accompanied by a written explanation as to why it is necessary for the medicine to be given in school. We will require full instructions regarding the dosage and the correct way of administering it.

  • Medication should be handed into the school office in the original container. Your child’s name should be clearly marked.
  • On no account should children have any medication on their person.
  • Prescribed medication should only be sent to school if the daily dosage exceeds four times.
  • You will be asked to complete a disclaimer indicating that you wish school staff to administer medication to your child.
  • When a child receives the medication, it will be checked and given by two members of staff who will record the dosage, date and time.
  • For children with specific medical needs such as diabetes, allergies, food intolerance or asthma, your child will require a Medical Care Plan. This will be written in conjunction with other professionals involved with your child’s care. You will need to make an appointment in school with  our SENCO to organise this.

Absence due to illness

If your child is absent for any reason please telephone the school each day to notify us (unless you have stated a specific number of days).

We require daily calls to ensure your child is safe. Please telephone the school on 0113 286 9427 before 9am and speak to a member of staff or leave a message on the answerphone.

For more information regarding absences please click here.