Foundation 1

Foundation 1

Helpful information for parents

Children need a change of clothes at school at all times. We have access to water, paint, mud and other messy experiences at all times. A few sets of easy to put on clothes are best, and please remember socks.

Children need a pair of wellies at school. We have a wonderful outdoor area but it does get muddy in inclement weather. We also have large-scale water play outdoors.

Please supply an easily identifiable water bottle everyday.

Milk and healthy snacks are provided daily.

We are teaching the children that when they have finished with something they need to put it away and all children are involved in tidying up the classroom at the end of a session.

How parents can help at home

We encourage independence in the children right from their first visit to us. Please help us by teaching your children to put on their own shoes and coats.

Share books and stories with your child and sing nursery rhymes.

Try to fit counting experiences into your day - counting stairs, spotting numbers when you are out and about.

In the summer term we start learning letter sounds, using Read, Write, Inc. We learn the sound of the letter (phonics) not its name.

If you want to support your child writing their own name please focus on only one letter at a time and please remember that only the first letter is a capital.

Useful websites:

Oxford Owls - phonics


Helpful documents

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Foundation One is the first class at Kippax North Primary School. We learn in a very hands-on, exploratory way. It is important to us that we are a friendly, caring class, with a family feel.

What we're learning

This half term we are learning all about growing and keeping healthy.

We will be planting lots of flowers, fruit and vegetables.

We will be learning how to “pay” for our snack using money.

Our keybooks will be “Oliver’s Vegetables” and “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.

After the Spring Bank holiday we will be focusing more on summer, seasonal changes, keeping safe in the sun and holidays.

Our keybooks will be “Rainbow Fish” and “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”.

We will also be looking forward to Sports Day, and Foundation One’s annual end of year Pool Party.

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Ms Fox

Miss Riches

Support staff

Mrs Abbott

Our class rules and rewards

Praise is an integral part of our day. Staff constantly use positive verbal reinforcement.

Our rules are very simple, designed to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort, and we word them in a very positive way

  • Walking indoors
  • Quiet, indoor voices
  • Kind hands, feet and words