
Here are our curricular plans for each class. This year we are currently on cycle B.

Digging Deep, Aiming High at Kippax North

Resilience, Integrity, Equality, Individuality, Kindness, Pride.

Our Curriculum Intent:

Our ethos statement, Digging Deep, Aiming High at Kippax North underpins our curriculum design.  As part of the Brigshaw Learning Partnership, Kippax North provides a “cradle to career” education (3-11) that allows our children to enjoy lives of choice and opportunity.

Our curriculum drivers:

Our curriculum is designed to ensure our children are proud of their own background and culture, but are also inspired by the diversity of the wider world and all it can offer.

Based on the National Curriculum, we have developed our “Aiming High” curriculum which is coherent, knowledge-rich and builds cultural capital.

The curriculum sits alongside meaningful experiences; visits, visitors and extra-curricular clubs provide an enhanced understanding of the World beyond our school.

Knowledge is systematically  taught, revised and revisited so that it is committed to pupils’ long-term memory.  Throughout, there are opportunities for children to develop personally, socially and emotionally.  Ambitious, subject-specific vocabulary is weaved through our curriculum to enable pupils to become articulate communicators.

Our curriculum enables pupils to master knowledge and skills, and is adapted according to individual need so that all pupils can succeed.  Daily opportunities to “retrieve” previous learning allows children to develop schema that is constantly revisited, and enables them to build on the solid foundations of previous learning.

Our 6 values underpin the delivery of our curriculum-

Resilience- we encourage pupils to relish challenge, to see mistakes as learning opportunities, to positively seek solutions and to persevere.

Integrity- we promote responsibility and self-motivation in pupils and ensure they understand the impact on learning of working hard and trying their best.

Equality- we believe we are better together than alone and value everyone’s contribution.

Individuality- our curriculum empowers children as they become increasingly knowledgeable and develop their own interests and passions.

Kindness- we teach our pupils to be tolerant, respectful citizens who value and celebrate diversity and difference.

Pride- we give our best efforts at all times and take pride in showcasing our learning.

Our Curriculum Implementation:

Our subjects are taught discreetly so that pupils develop an understanding of the purpose of each subject in its own right. The different components of a subject are explicitly taught (eg structures, mechanisms, textiles etc in Design &Technology).

Units of work are enhanced by a Knowledge Organiser which lists the core facts (substantive knowledge) for each topic.  These are added to books or contained within pupil booklets,  and are available on our website for pupils to self-quiz or to inform parents of the learning taking place.

Our lessons follow a 4-part structure as follows:

1. Retrieve-pupils recall or apply previously taught key knowledge which will be a mix of last lesson, last term or last year’s learning.

2. Explain – this part of the lesson allows pupils to focus in specifically on the new learning taking place.  

3. Model - where the teacher demonstrates how to carry out a task, question or activity, and sets their expectations.

4. Practise-children apply their learning to carefully selected activities. They are expected to use the taught vocabulary and demonstrate the knowledge and skills which have been explained and modelled.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact Mrs Burland at

Helpful Documents

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Term dates 2024-25

Holiday Dates

Term Dates

Autumn Term 1

Monday 2nd Sept to
Friday 25th Oct

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Monday 24th Feb to
Thursday 4th Apr

Monday 6th Jan to
Friday 14th Feb

Monday 4th Nov to
Friday 20th Dec

Tuesday 22nd Apr to
Friday 23rd May

Spring Term 2

Christmas Holidays

Monday 23rd Dec to
Friday 3rd Jan

Half Term

Monday 28th Oct to
Friday 1st Nov

Half Term

Monday 17th Feb to
Friday 21st Feb

Summer Term 1

Easter Holidays

Monday 7th Apr to
Monday 21st Apr

Summer Term 2

Half Term

Monday 26th May to
Friday 30th May

Summer Holidays

Monday 21st July to
Friday 29th Aug

Monday 2nd June to
Friday 18th July

Important dates for your diary




Mar 14

12:00 am


Training Day
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




Apr 21

12:00 am


Bank Holiday
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




May 5

2:31 pm


Bank Holiday
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP




Jun 27

12:00 am


Training Day
School closed to pupils
Email RSVP